IELTS listening tips
There are variety of tips to achieve higher IELTS Listening score.
To graduate, all students who are majoring in English Language must achieve IELTS band 6.5. It means that you are required to get 26 out of 40 correct answers (or more). However, to get that score is not as easy as ABC because you have to experience such a painful learning process.
Today, we are going to discover some tips to enhance our listening score. Let’s get started!
To prepare for IELTS Listening, we should:
- be aware of your own English Listening (extremely important) so that you can choose the IELTS books which are appropriate to your level. Make sure you do all tasks in those books.
- enhance your vocabulary as much as possible. You can find tips here:
- practise listening English as much as you can. You can practise by listening to music, watching videos, movies, some youtube channels.
5 steps to get higher listening score of IELTS Master:
- Predict the topic
- Find the keywords
- Listen for synonyms and antonyms
- Always stay focused
- Do not review. Just preview.
Click here to research more:
Above are just some pieces of advice for you. Hope you succeed in achieving your goals.
Have a nice day!